Surely you have searched a thousand times the way to lose weight without success. You have tried all the existing diets to achieve it but still, manage it. I am sure that what I am going to talk about next, you have not been told anywhere. Losing weight or gaining weight always goes hand in hand with metabolism. By metabolism I mean the calories our body burns to keep us alive. Metabolism depends on:

  • the hereditary and genetic component
  • your way of eating
  • Age and sex
  • amount of muscle mass
  • hormonal functioning
  • daily activity level, habits

How to calculate the basal metabolism?

Basal metabolism is what our body spends while you breathe and live, simply. You can calculate it with the Harris-Benedict equation. For women it is as follows:

TMB = (10 x weight in kg) + (6.25 x height in cm) – (5 x age) -161

Over the years, the metabolism slows down. In particular 5 – 10% slower per decade. This is because as we age, we lose muscle mass and increase the percentage of body fat. But don’t worry, it can be countered by monitoring your diet. Also if strength training or weights are incorporated into the routine, it can be accelerated.

There are two types of metabolism: A slow metabolism will cause you to increase body fat easily, constant tiredness, lack of energy, constant cold and accumulate more fat in the legs and hips. An accelerated metabolism ensures that our energy levels are high, it helps us sleep better. It allows you to have strong muscles, improve mood, control blood sugar, improve tension and lose fat.

How many calories do you need?

Now you know what your metabolism spends and you will say, okay, now what? Now, guess the calories you need to consume to lose weight. You just have to multiply the result that the equation gave you before, the basal metabolism, by a number that is related to your physical activity.

  • Moderate activity (3-5 days a week): TMB x 1.55
  • Strong exercise (6-7 days a week): TMB x 1,725
  • Very strong sport or activity (twice a day, very hard workouts): TMB x 1.9

If you are here because you want to lose weight in 30 days, then you should consume slightly less calories than these equations have given you. But let’s face it, surely you don’t want anything right now to calculate calories and so on. true?

If you do, great because it is a method that does not fail. If you do not feel like doing it, you can follow the following guide to lose weight in a month to make it easier for you. This comprehensive guide and tips will help you speed up your metabolism naturally and healthily, it will also make you lose weight and fat. But remember, none of this works miracles if you do not complement it with a more careful diet and the practice of exercising.

Include the following food

Many people believe that eating healthy is eating boring and bland, but it is not, for that we have spices. The spices, apart from giving flavor help us to accelerate the metabolism and as a consequence, lose weight. The ones that help you the most are:

  • Cinnamon lowers blood glucose level and therefore insulin. What makes it ideal for losing fat. Add them to pancakes, porridge, oatmeal, French toast, or any meal. It is delicious and goes well with many recipes.
  • Ginger: it is a diuretic and improves cholesterol. It also improves digestion.
  • Cayenne pepper: thanks to capsaicin it has a great thermogenic effect and helps to oxidize fat, in addition to controlling appetite.
  • The mustard seeds: ideal to speed up metabolism and lose weight.
  • The pepper, spicy like, has a thermal effect.
  • Grapefruit: High in flavonoid naringin, which helps your liver metabolize fat better.
  • Green tea high in antioxidants, prevents cancer, reduces cholesterol, and of course increases metabolism, increases fat oxidation, and increases energy levels.
  • Celery: In addition to being very low in calories, we increase satiety and the high number of antioxidants it has caused the metabolism to increase
  • Broccoli: Improves the hormonal environment, helps fat loss by accelerating metabolism
  • GarlicDecreases tension controls blood glucose and insulin levels, and also improves metabolism and helps lose fat
  • Avocado: Although it contains many fats, these are healthy fats and they help you lose weight and fat and also speed up metabolism. It is high in fiber, low cholesterol. It also has protein and vitamin E.
  • Berries: Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries thanks to the antioxidants they contain help you to increase metabolism.

Start the day burning fat

Muscular woman doing sit-ups.
  • Drink a glass of water as soon as you get up, to detoxify the body and hydrate it.
  • Eat breakfast: your breakfast should include protein (egg, chicken).
  • Complex carbohydrate (oatmeal, quinoa, sweet potato, brown rice crackers).
  • If you can, do cardiovascular fasting for 45 minutes, but only if you are 100% healthy if you have any problem better leave it for after breakfast.

With these three active things, fat oxidation will help you lose weight and have energy .

Tips to lose fat in 30 days

  • Base your diet on 85 – 90% on natural foods, combined with complex carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  • Eat about 5 times a day, but small portions.
  • That all your meals have protein. This will satiate and speed up your metabolism.
  • Include healthy fats in all your meals, believe it or not, they help you lose fat.
  • If you consume fruit, do it at breakfast or mid-morning. Fructose, makes you increase fat if you consume them in excess and at inappropriate times. Remember that the body accumulates sugar in the form of glycogen in the liver or muscle. But not so with fructose, which would only accumulate in the liver. At night, those glycogen stores are more than likely full, so any excess converts to fat and goes directly to adipose tissue.
  • Include complex carbohydrates, like oatmeal, sweet potato, quinoa, brown rice, and banana, but never at dinner.
  • Substitute table salt, or common salt, for pink Himalayan salt: You know how important it is to reduce salt. An excess generates problems such as high blood pressure, kidney disease, swelling, loss of calcium, cellulite.  For this reason, I recommend you change it for pink salt, which contains less sodium and provides other minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

What to drink

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day and also drink before meals 500 ml helps you reduce food intake and quench the thirst that is sometimes mistaken for hunger.
  • Drink coffee: caffeine increases adrenaline and helps release fatty acids from adipose tissue, thus using that fat as an energy source. It also increases metabolism and calorie expenditure, so you will burn more fat. Of course, do not spend the day with a cup of coffee in hand. Do not drink more than 2 cups a day and try not to add sugar or milk. If you have high blood pressure, follow your doctor’s recommendations.


  • Train with weights, these will not make you very muscular. What they will do is help your muscle burn more fat, speeding up your metabolism. And combine it with cardiovascular exercise.

Despite being a bold goal, it is possible to lose ten pounds in 30 days in a healthy and permanent way. However, it can only be achieved if you are committed to acquiring healthy habits that will promote the high burning of your body fat and the loss of measures!

To achieve these results, it is necessary to implement new and important changes in your daily routine such as a diet rich in highly nutritious foods and regular exercise.

How to lose 10 Kg in a month?

Despite being apparently simple, these changes will change your style and quality of life by providing you with more health, disposition and physical conditioning to perform any activity of your day.

However, in order to succeed in this new stage of your life, it is extremely important that you remain firm in your purpose of eliminating the 10kg. In these moments, it is interesting to make visualizations of how you will feel better when you see your reflection in the mirror and realize that you have reached the body of your dreams.

Also remember that you will be getting more and more healthy by reducing the rates of developing heart disease or even entering the statistics of obese people in the world.

Losing 10 kg can be easier than you think. Want to know where to start? Discover in this article are practical and efficient tips and procedures to get you in shape once and for all. Without taking the risk of regaining your current weight again.

Increase the consumption of foods that help in burning fat

The first step for you to streamline your weight loss process is to review your diet and insert as much food as possible to help burn fat. But be careful, it is not industrialized products, but natural ones, such as hibiscus tea, lychee, among others.

They can improve your body’s ability to burn fat, especially if you associate this tip with the others you will discover throughout this article, you will decrease your weight considerably in a short time.

Consume foods that deflate

In addition to being uncomfortable, fluid retention can be the main cause of your weight gain, so you should invest in foods that help your body to naturally deflate. A tip is to include foods rich in omega 3 in your diet.

Some of these foods are: tuna, mackerel, flaxseed, chestnut, among others. They work by promoting an anti-inflammatory action in the body.

Increase your feeling of satiety

Some foods can make you feel full longer. This will help you not to consume a lot of food and be able to reduce your weight in a short period of time.

By enriching your diet with fibers, such as fruits, seeds, chia and some types of legumes, you may be able to promote this effect on your body.

Use foods that speed up metabolism

Some foods have thermogenic action, that is, they contribute to your metabolism to increase the burning of calories. This process will speed up the decrease in the amount of fat in your body.

A tip is to use foods like pepper, green tea, cinnamon, coffee, and even ginger in the preparation of your food and even in the composition of some juices.

Increase your snacks

One of the first and most important changes you will need to make in order to lose 10 kg in 30 days is to increase the amount of your meals. The ideal is to have three main meals, which will be breakfast, lunch and dinner and three small snacks, one between each meal.

However, your snacks should contain small amounts of calories. Prefer foods like cereal bars, fruits, juices, and even vitamins. This will ensure that you do not overdo your meals.

Make balanced dishes

Healthy eating is crucial for those who want to lose 10 kg in just 30 days without suffering any type of health problem. This type of food requires you to balance the nutrients in the foods you eat by investing in their variety.

Ideally, you should invest in fruits and vegetables. However, do not forget to supplement with foods such as meats, cereals, and milk.

Don’t go on restrictive diets

The diets that propose the total restriction of some foods may even cause you to lose weight, however the risk of it returning is much greater, as well as the possibility of you developing some type of disease due to the restriction of nutrients that your body needs. .

To lose weight and maintain your health, you need to devise a diet that meets all your body’s needs, especially with regard to the consumption of nutrients. Avoid diets that are based on shakes and even those that propose the use of only one type of food.

Consume teas that help with weight loss

To speed up your weight loss process, you can use resources such as increased consumption of teas, however, some can stimulate the burning of calories, such as green tea, black tea, and even cinnamon. Hibiscus tea can still help you to not accumulate fat in the abdominal area.


Regular physical activity is crucial for you to achieve your goals. So, change your habits and try to always stay active. Ideally, you should invest in physical exercise that has the ability to burn high amounts of fat for at least an hour, three times a week. To burn more fat, do aerobic activities, such as HIIT, running, walking, swimming, among others.

Increase your muscle mass

Doing aerobic activities is not the only way to burn fat, as long as you practice physical activities that stimulate the increase of muscle mass, you will also be increasing your fat burning. Weight training and pilates can be great allies at this time to make your muscles develop more.

6 steps to speed up metabolism

Aging and hormonal changes lead to metabolic degradation, writes the doctor. To combat this process, it is necessary to:
1) Eat more protein, fruits, and vegetables. Cutting proteins and carbohydrates completely is wrong and can permanently slow your metabolism;
2) Ingest  amino acids:  these proteins are useful for regenerating and repairing other cells and can be found especially in meat, fish, and eggs;
3) Maintaining  hormonal balance  through food: to find out which ingredients to prioritize and which to avoid, the doctor made a list (see below);
4) Consuming what is right: the older you get, the more calories you cut! The correct option is to choose unique dishes and healthy superfoods; 
5)  Exercise:  cardiovascular activities that require a lot of effort. Remember that more muscle means more fat is lost;

6)  Quality sleep: it serves to repair the muscles and favors the regeneration process. The more accumulated tiredness, the greater the chance of surrendering to unhealthy snacks. Finally, the hunger hormone (ghrelin) increases with a lack of sleep. Therefore, sleeping less equates to more ghrelin, more hunger, and more food. 

8 tricks for pro-metabolism sleep

1) Avoid  alcoholic beverages  6 hours before bedtime as consumption of these substances affects deep sleep;

2) Put yourself in the right mood with relaxing music or a white noise app to help. If possible, use low-intensity lamps in the room;
3) Use the bed only to sleep  (and have sex). No TV, naps, books under the cover, breakfast or snacks on the bedspread. This attitude can help the mind to associate sleep with the room;
4) Turn off your devices 2 hours before bed. Bright light confuses the mind and makes it more difficult to fall asleep;
5) Make a  snack based on tryptophan. This amino acid regulates the sleep-wake cycle, reducing the risk of waking up in the middle of the night. Low-fat yogurt is an excellent choice!
6) Create the right environment, making the room irresistible, with beautiful blankets and some lamps or pictures that you like.
7) Before bedtime, remember that protein foods induce the release of cholecystokinin,  ghrelin, and  YY peptides, which affect sleep. Foods are in L-tryptophan increase levels of melatonin
, a hormone that regulates sleep. Chicken, red meat, fish, egg, curd, and low-fat yogurt are some of them; 
8) Consume whole flour,  which allows L-tryptophan to be better absorbed and increases serotonin levels. Unsweetened cherry juice, chamomile, and passionflower, soothing, are great options and avoid falling into the temptation of an evening snack. 

Foods to avoid

1)  Sugar  of all kinds: cane, white, in syrup are not friends with the woman’s hormonal balance;

2) Caffeine- based drinks Without exaggerating it can, but women in menopause must remember that they aggravate the redness of the skin and the outbreaks of heat;
3)  Alcoholic  beverages  should be limited, but if it cannot be missing, a glass of wine or beer can replace dessert; 
4) Hypercaloric foods like bacon, chips, ice cream, and cheese worsen the hormonal balance.
5)  Spicy foods are not healthy; prefer less spicy herbs and spices.
