The leg muscles can develop in the same way as any other muscle. However, it is true that sometimes you have to take more time. So, you can see some good results. It is easy to give up early. On the other hand, there are the best leg exercises that you can do at home. These are doing squats, or going up and downstairs, or going for a run. All of them help you keep your legs well defined and strong. If you are constant in it, you can get that when it comes to building muscle, it costs you a little less.

Now we explain some exercises that are very good for the legs and with which you will soon see results.

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It is one of the most important exercises because you work all the leg muscles and even your entire abdomen and buttocks. You place a bar on top of your trapezoids. Once you are in position and looking forward without curving your back, you will lower the buttocks by flexing your knees and watching that this does not exceed the toe of your feet. With the thighs parallel to the floor, you rise while you expel air until you return to the beginning of the exercise. In this way, you would be doing a partial squat. If you want to do a full squat, you must descend below the parallel.

Bulgarian Squats

Bulgarian squats are another type of squats. This consists of having one of the legs supported on a support. The idea is to place a leg on a bench, a chair or a high support. The exercise involves flexing and extending in one leg. Very easy to do indoors, it is also ideal at home or outdoors as it requires very little equipment. This bodybuilding exercise mainly involves the gluteal and quadriceps muscles. A small space between the front leg and the rear leg exercises the quadriceps. Also, a large space can strengthen the posterior muscle chain, the hamstrings, and the buttocks.

Front Squats

Front squats are also a type of squats recommended for full leg exercise. They consist of doing squats with a barbell. To do this type of squat, you have to start with the bar, level with the middle of your chest. You hold the bar with the hands more apart than the width of the shoulders. Next, you stand near the bar and go down in a squat room so that the bar is level and touches the upper part of your chest and the front of your shoulders. Without releasing the bar, you bring your elbows forward and up as high as you can. Focus on keeping your elbows as high as possible during the squatting position. This will keep the body upright and the bar secured in the curve of the hands and resting against the chest and shoulders.

Reverse Lunge

A highly recommended exercise for the legs, which can also be done with dumbbells for a better result. You stand and hold a dumbbell in each hand at the sides of your body, palms pointed toward your body. Place one foot back and bend your knees so that you can bring your body down until they form a 90-degree angle. Then after a brief pause you rise. The back and trunk should be straight and firm all the time. You can start with four sets of ten repetitions each.

Dumbbell Deadlift

You will have heard that this exercise is done to develop the back. However, the truth is that it can also be a very good exercise for the development of the femoral if you change some things in the execution. First, in this case, you will do the exercise with dumbbells and not with a barbell. You stand in front of two weights on the floor, legs slightly apart and knees somewhat bent.

After placing yourself in the position, you will always lean the torso forward with your back straight. You take the dumbbells in pronation, take a breath and straighten yourselves, returning to the starting position. During the course of the execution, your arms have to be relaxed.

Quadriceps Contraction

This other leg exercise allows you to work your quadriceps. To carry it out, you will use the help of a chair. To do this exercise, you must sit in the chair with your back straight and your legs relaxed. Hold the chair with your hands and, holding this position, lift one of the two legs, being careful to keep the quadriceps contracted. Lower your leg slowly and repeat the exercise with the other leg. Perform 10 repetitions per leg, for a total of 3 sets. It is one of the best leg exercises to do in the gym.
