Best cardio workouts are a great ally when it comes to eliminating that unwanted fat. Currently, we live in a context in which the majority of the population is marked by a sedentary lifestyle along with bad eating habits and emotional fluctuations.

Thus, the cardio exercise is excellent for those who want to reverse these catastrophic conditions. It helps you give time to health care aimed at improving the quality of life. The options are diverse among the activities that perform the functions. Also, the best cardio workouts fulfill this objective.

It is possible to give preference to exercises performed not only in the gyms but also outside them. In this article, we will talk about this training that covers some modalities that are gaining prominence among old and new athletes. All exercises are for those who want to lose weight. Read on!

What is cardio?

Cardio is an abbreviation for cardiorespiratory. This training model is responsible for promoting cardiovascular and respiratory adaptations. The main goal of training is to accelerate metabolism to optimize fat loss and muscle endurance.

Cardio exercises are those that increase your heart rate. They improve your blood circulation and trigger your cells to burn fat. When you have increased blood flow, not only do you burn fat, but you also stay healthy.

Therefore, it is no surprise to you about the best cardio workouts and their effectiveness. Most people who are above the age of 40 have difficulty doing these exercises. However, many adults take motivation from celebrities.

Remember, motivation is the first thing you should have to perform these exercises. The reason is that you remain focused and concentrate on what you are doing. Otherwise, you will quit doing these exercises. Once you have broken momentum, you will gain more weight.

Therefore, when it comes to cardio exercises, you should start slow and go step by step. The purpose is to gradually lose weight. It is because losing weight fast is not beneficial as it leads to many health complications.

Benefits of Best Cardio Workouts

A balanced diet together with cardio training is favorable to weight loss easily. This is because the caloric expenditure is high depending on the choice of exercise and the intensity.

It is nothing new for anyone that the practice of any physical exercise results in the improvement of several aspects of health. Thus, done with moderate intensity, cardio exercises have several advantages. For example, they help prevent multiple diseases, but mainly respiratory and those related to the heart.

Also, the best cardio workouts help reduce the amount of bad body fat. Cardio training enriches the chances of muscle gain, depending on the activity selected. Cardio exercises invigorate the system since they increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

It also allows more oxygen to pass through the body. In this way, there is an enlargement of mitochondria within the cells. So, they improve oxygen absorption and consequently increase physical resistance.

So, let me tell you how to do cardio exercise in the next section. Make sure you read everything with full attention so that you can get the most out of what I have to say. Continue reading!

How to do cardio?

Cardiovascular training is predominantly aerobic, marked by a strong change in heart rates. However, these workouts allow you to follow a plan aimed at bodybuilding. You can perform them according to the individuality of each practitioner, respecting physical fitness.

Warm-up is essential in any activity. However, it is especially in the case of high-intensity workouts that suffer from a deficit in the oxygenation process. This is due to the high energy demand.

For this reason, the change in intensity of the exercises should progressive so that there is compensation for capturing the necessary oxygen. It is according to the heartbeat without interfering in an uncompensated way in blood pressure.

Best cardio workouts for Weight Loss

The following cardiorespiratory training demonstrates in common the benefit of improving circulation. It is by taking advantage of the oxygenation of the muscles activated during the exercises. Everyone respects each biotype given their physical propensity. So, each individual can progress at their own pace progressively.


Considered one of the most classic and best cardio workouts, running is perfect for those who want to improve breathing conditions and eliminate fat. It increases metabolism by assisting the body in burning calories.

You can do running in different ways, outdoors, or indoors with the help of devices or without. Therefore, there is no limitation to running. You can practice it on streets, beaches, parks, clubs, etc.

Burning calories valued in intense running training with unstable soils so there is more energy wasting to compensate for the effort. Running is indeed one of the best cardio workouts.

High-Intensity Interval Training

In great demand, HIT aims to work with high-intensity exercises, followed by a short interval followed by moments of active recovery or passive recovery. Increasingly famous, the sport has become specific in clubs and gyms. It is because you can practice it on treadmills, bikes, swimming and weight training.

Indoor Bike

Popularly known as Spinning, the sport simulates cycling at different intensities and terrains such as a mountain, flat terrain, and time trial. The caloric expenditure is surprising as well as cardiorespiratory adaptations.

It comes close to that of running, as large muscle groups are used. Another advantage of this training is that there is no need for great motor coordination for the practitioner. You can enjoy uniquely good training directed by a teacher. Also, it is necessary to have a good place to train the thighs and glutes.


The CrossFit is the fever of the moment. Basically, it is training considered of strength and that demands of the general physical conditioning. You can regulate it in the functional movements of high intensity so that it gains metabolic and aerobic discipline.

The activity aims to develop some skills such as cardiovascular, muscular, strength, etc. Also, it is all about precision, agility, balance, flexibility, power, coordination, and speed. The activity uses some instruments. They are rings, Olympic bars, kettlebells, free weights, tires, ropes, balls, rings, and boxes.

Maui Thay

The fight that aims to train kicks, punches, elbow knees in attack-defense mechanisms, achieves excellent physical conditioning. It is for those who want to reduce the percentage of fat.

What was previously seen as a masculine sport, Thai martial art has been enchanting to all audiences. It is for presenting a dynamic activity, where the practitioner constantly learns new techniques. Also, he or she gains the motivation to visualize their evolution. I believe this is one of the best cardio workouts for both men and women.


Swimming is another alternative for those who want to lose weight through cardio training. Besides, swimming has a great advantage, as you can practice it in the water. At the same time, the risk of injury is very low. Likewise, it also provides an increase in mass.

Jump rope

Skipping rope can is a practice adopted by beginners. It does not demand a lot of demand when starting. However, the exercise offers the possibility to start slowly and increase the intensity as training progresses. This is an exercise that demands a lot from the knees and ankles. Should I start with cardio training or weight training? Absolutely.


Swinging the body to the musical rhythm generates physical and emotional well-being, in addition to expending a lot of calories. Zumba, ballroom dancing, and ballet fitness improve motor coordination, musculature, and posture.

Tips for losing weight with cardio

The practice of cardio to affect must be constant. Try to practice two to three a week, alternating with strength training. As with any physical practice, regularity is important to ensure increased resistance and better results.

As we have already mentioned, the warm-up is very important for injuries to be avoided as well as the risks of cardiovascular problems. When warming up the body is prepared for great efforts.

Attention to breathing is also essential to maintain the proper functioning of the body. This is because when breathing correctly the oxygenation of cells is correct. It helps avoid injuries and ensure the precise execution of movements and increased resistance.

Food for Best Cardio Workouts

As with all other aesthetic and health-oriented goals, food is the first step to be taken into account. For cardio performance to run smoothly, you need to provide enough energy to support your body during activity.

This energy is obtained mainly from glucose, which you can acquire from the consumption of carbohydrates. You can also preferably obtain it from complexes that take longer for absorption and support the supply for longer, such as:

  • Whole-grain bread and pasta
  • Sweet potato
  • Oats
  • eggs
  • Fruit


To improve the use of exercise, keep your body hydrated. However, it is necessary to monitor the amount, as excessive consumption to practice activities can cause cramps. That’s why if you want to perform the best cardio workouts, you have to drink lots of water. At the same time, I recommend my readers to drink juices as well. The purpose is to balance the homeostatic and metabolic levels.

Look for a professional

For the goals, with the execution of the exercises properly without risk of injury, seek professional help. Make sure you choose a professional to receive the appropriate instructions.

In cases of food resources, seek the assistance of a nutritionist. He will properly evaluate your diet and thus the body is rich in nutrition. Also, it is a good practice so that there are no complications during practice.

Why is it important for weight loss?

Is your goal to lose weight? So, bet on cardio training! They help to burn fat reserves and, when combined with a balanced diet, become very effective in weight loss. With regular practice of activities, you will quickly eliminate persistent fats. Other benefits are:

  • Prevention Of Diseases
  • Strengthening Of The Cardiorespiratory System
  • Decreased Binge Eating
  • Increased Feelings Of Pleasure And Well-Being
  • Decreased Stress
  • Lowering Cholesterol Levels
  • Improvement In Physical Endurance
  • Increased Disposition
  • Weight Loss and Fitness

As you can see, there are many options for cardio exercise. However, the important thing is to choose an activity capable of not only helping you lose weight but also improving your quality of life. So don’t waste any more time, follow our directions and start putting your body in motion!

The efficiency of regular exercise with a certain combination of frequency, intensity, and duration has been demonstrated to obtain a training effect. The interaction of these factors provides an overload stimulus. In general, the lower the stimulus, the smaller the training effects, and the larger the stimulus, the greater the effect.

The specificity of the training and the need to maintain strength and endurance are important. I recommend a complete program that includes resistance and flexibility exercises.

Although age alone is not a limiting factor for training, it is prudent to take a more gradual approach to prescribe for older individuals. Remember, motivation is also important for weight loss. Best cardio workouts are not easy to perform. You have to remain diligent and focus on these exercises. This way, you can overcome the problem of fat in your abdomen.


To achieve any high protection objective, effort and dedication are required. During cardio workouts are no different, it is necessary to focus on discipline. It is important to practice regularly, having a balanced diet, and follow the step by step as we have already demonstrated above.

Cardio training is much more than aesthetics! My blog will always be at your side for the benefit of your health, beauty, and well-being. Count on me! Do not leave until tomorrow, the project that you can start today.

In no time, you will be in incredible physical condition. Keep learning here about the benefits of exercise practice and the aspects that complement your practice. So, that’s why I have given you the best cardio workouts. You can perform them easily when you have motivation and routine.
