In today’s article, I will tell you about the best ab workouts for women. Although it is difficult to recognize it, you have always wanted defined abs. But, perhaps due to laziness or lack of time, you have postponed that battle for later.

Well, now is the time to fight for a flat and beautiful belly. You will feel much more comfortable inside your jeans and stylizing your feminine figure. Also, you can have a smooth and defined abdomen. It is also essential to improve your health since excess abdominal fat can lead to severe cardiovascular problems.

Also, if you have been a mother, doing exercises to strengthen the abdomen is the best way to recover after childbirth. The routine that we present below is the best ab workouts for women. These are exercises that are essential to do abs at home for both beginner women and those with a more advanced level.

Best Ab Workouts for Women

Do you want great abs? If yes, I have come up with a list of the best ab workout for women. Remember, all exercises are easy and straightforward. So, you can do them at home easily.

1.    Dead Bug

The exercise is a perfect opportunity to improve your coordination. It is a movement especially recommended for women who are thinking of being a mother. With this training, you strengthen your hips and manage to improve strength in the lower back.

  • Lie on your back, with your legs stretched out and keeping your hands on your hips.
  • Without separating your back from the mat, you have to lift your left leg to keep it fully stretched and pointing towards the ceiling.
  • As you move your leg, you have to stretch your arm above your head until you make a 90-degree angle with your left leg.
  • You can alternate the two legs until completing 8 to 12 repetitions per side.

2.    Plank

It is one of the best ab workouts for women. Plank is one of the classic abdominal exercises for women. You do not need repetitions; just acquire a proper body posture. Also, it is a very motivating challenge because you will have to try to endure the longer, the better. Only suitable for female warriors!

  • Lie on your stomach with your legs extended. You have to hold a position to do push-ups only. Instead of resting your palms on the floor, you should support your elbows. Make sure you keep them at the same height as the shoulders. The forearms must also remain in contact with the mat. You can put one on top of the other, forming a kind of square with your arms and backs.
  • The tips of the feet should have the same width as the hips.
  • Remember, the exercise consists of holding in that position with a tight grip on the abs. Also, the objective is to form a straight line from the head to the heels and remain motionless for at least 30 seconds. The longer you last, the better.

3.    Plank with flexion

It is also one of the best ab workouts for women. The training is definitive proof that you have already moved to the next level. In addition to supporting body weight, you will now incorporate flexion. Do you dare?

  • The exercise begins in precisely the same position as the previous one. Keep your abs tight and your forearms supporting your entire body weight!
  • Again, it is essential to form a straight line from the back to the ankles.
  • The difference is that now you have to contract the core as if you were about to get hit in the stomach. As you recruit, you should extend one of the two arms and tilt your entire body to that side.
  • Hold up and return to the starting position and repeat the operation with the other arm. That counts as one repetition. You should do between 12 and 15 repetitions.

4.    Russian Monkey Twist

If you are a fan of Paddle tennis, this exercise will help you improve your game because it strengthens the oblique. I think this is one of the best ab workouts for women.

  • You must lie on the floor looking at the ceiling. Now, incorporate your upper trunk until you are almost sitting. Then, separate your legs from the ground. You must keep your feet together.
  • Stretch your arms out without flexing them at all and keep your palms clamped together.
  • Beat your torso back and swing your upper trunk as far to the right as you can. When you reach your limit, hold for 2 seconds.
  • Then repeat the operation to the other side. That will count as a repeat. You should complete 8 to 12 repetitions and do 2 to 3 sets.

5.    Bicycle Crunch

Of all the best ab workouts for women, it will help you get abs quickly. Different studies have found that it is the one that involves the most muscles.

  • Lie on your back on the floor. You should keep your entire back hooked to the mat.
  • Put your hands behind the nape of the neck, pointing your elbows out. Now, you should lift your right knee at a 90-degree angle to your leg when you have the knee just above the hip. You should raise your upper trunk to touch the tip of the knee with your left elbow.
  • Do the same but interchanging the knee and elbow. That will count as a repeat. You should complete 8 to 12 repetitions and do 2 to 3 sets.

6.    Toe Touch Crunch

The exercise is ideal for burning abdominal fat since, due to its dynamism, you will involve your entire body.

  • Lie on your back with your limbs extended. Arms outstretched and hands above head. The legs must also be stretched.
  • Now, flex both knees to form a 45-degree angle between your upper trunk and your knees.
  • Contract your abs and sit up using the strength of your core. While doing that, you should straighten your right leg keeping it completely straight.
  • With the right hand, you have to touch the tip of the foot. Hold for two seconds in that position.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the operation with the other hand/leg. That will count as a repeat. You must do 15 repetitions in total.

7.    Mountain Climber

Bodyweight exercise that involves most of the muscles in the body. Also, it is a perfect activity to include in your daily cardio.  You start doing it. You will notice how your pulsations per minute increase.

  • To start this exercise, you must maintain a starting position as if you were going to do a push-up. Hands should be just below your shoulders.
  • Your entire body should maintain a completely straight and stretched position from head to knee.
  • Squeeze your abs tightly and move your knee forward. Even if you can’t do it, the goal should be to touch your chest with your knee. Of course, all this you must do without flexing your body.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the same procedure with the other knee. This exercise does not work with repetitions, and it is merely about doing as many as you can the best at a specific time. It starts with 35-45 seconds.

8.    Reverse Crunch

It is a beautiful and feminine exercise. It looks like a yoga pose, and it’s nice to do it. Best of all, you will strengthen your abs while you relax. Again, I must say this is one of the best ab workouts for women.

  • Lie on your back with your palms extended and touching the ground. You should keep them right next to your hips.
  • Squeeze your abs, and lift your legs above your hips to form a 90-degree angle with your body. During this entire procedure, you cannot flex or separate your legs.
  • To do this exercise, you will need to contract your lower abs to separate your hips from the floor.
  • When you are up, hold that position for 2 or 3 seconds and then slowly return to the starting position. That counts as a repeat. You should complete 8 to 12 repetitions.

9.    Scissors Abs Workout

A flexion work in which you will involve the lower and upper trunk. It is not an easy exercise. However, if you do it, you can achieve your goal of getting abs. Also, many women do this exercise at home. I think this is one of the best ab workouts for women.

  • As in the previous exercise, you should start lying on your back with the palm of your hands touching the ground. Although, this time, you should put your hands just below the butt. Without taking your arms off the mat, sit up slightly. The legs should also be suspended in midair, a few centimeters above the ground.
  • Now, you should lift one of the two legs to keep it above the hips. The goal is to make a 90-degree angle with both legs. Make sure that, throughout the process, you do not bend your knees or tip your limbs.
  • When you are up, hold in that position for at least 2 seconds and slowly lower your leg back down to the side of the other. This movement must be unusually slow. The slower you do it, the more you will work your abs.
  • When you do it with both legs, that will count as one repetition, and you should do 15-25 repetitions.

10. Rolling Plank

A complete exercise to show off a scandalous belly. With this exercise, you will work up to your arms. It will strengthen the core, the lateral abs, the shoulders, and the arms.

  • The most challenging part of this exercise is doing the starting position well. Maintain a flexed posture with the palm of your hands resting on the floor and maintaining the same width of the shoulders. The difference in this exercise is that you only have to put your toes on the floor, and you have to contract your abs forcefully.
  • Then you will need to rotate your entire body to the right. Separate your right hand from the floor and move it towards the ceiling. You must get to form a cross with your arms. The feet should remain one in front of the other, resting the inside of the shoe on the ground. Core strength is especially important to keep the body balanced and straight at all times.
  • Return to the starting position and rotate to the left. That counts as one repetition, and you should do between 10 and 12 repetitions.

Benefits of the best ab workouts for women

A toned, fat-free, and well-defined abdomen is one of the fundamental objectives for women. A direct consequence of a toned abdominal is that we will keep back and lumbar pain at bay.

Throughout the day, we are continually stooping, stretching, bending the body, adopting bad postures in our office chair, carrying weight, etc.

Even at times when it seems like we are doing nothing, the body must bear its weight, which is already a job in itself.

For this reason, if we have a worked abdomen, we will be able to maintain body verticality without any discomfort and relaxing the lower back. The American Chiropractic Association estimates that about 31 million American women experience lower back pain daily, which triggers monthly the number of sick leave.

You will also notice an improvement in intestinal health. For example, in the case of constipation, it can be of great help to reestablish the intestinal flora, decrease internal inflammations, and improve circulation.

A toned abdominal will also make you breathe better. Whether you are an athlete or not, breathing comfortably is something that pleases you. By working the abdominal, you will achieve that the rib cage is more relaxed and, consequently, more air enters our lungs. Our blood has more oxygen, and the body becomes more optimal.

So, it is crucial to focus on the best ab workouts for women. They will keep you healthy and fit. If you have any questions, you can ask me in the comment section.
