Are you looking for the best ab workouts for men? If yes, you are in the right place. In today’s article, I will talk about the best ab workouts for men that will help you strengthen your core.

Now that summer is approaching. It is an excellent time to start defining perfect abs. Today we leave you a guide to define abdominals that will help you perform the correct definition exercises. Also, it will lead a healthy low-fat diet that allows you to streamline the process. Are you interested in knowing more? Well, keep reading because we started.

Why is it so difficult to define abs

It doesn’t matter if you are a runner or if you define yourself as an athlete. Marking abs is not easy and as much as you can define biceps, triceps, quadriceps, etc. Also, the abdominal area will continue to be the most complicated. However, complicated does not mean impossible.

One of the reasons that prevent the correct definition of the abs is the accumulation of body fat in the abdomen area. In fact, many people have right abdominal muscles. However, the fat deposits in the area prevent them from marking correctly, especially in the case of men.

The impetus that some athletes put into defining abs is not only based on the aesthetic plane. A designated abdominal area reduces the probability of injury and excess load on the spine, in addition to back pain.

In fact, having the right lumbar and abdominal muscles is essential to prevent more serious balance and back problems. That is one of the reasons why we want to define abs, no matter how difficult it is, right?

We know why it is so difficult to get a 10 (or six) abs and why it is necessary to achieve it. So, we will go on to know the different techniques and best ab workouts for men. It will help us to define abs and the most appropriate diet to complement it.

How to define abs quickly and from home

Defining abs at home is easy. However, it takes the usual will and perseverance. With a goal-centered mental state to accomplish the definition of abs, so you will need:

  • Reduce accumulated abdominal fat
  • Burn calories.
  • Perform exercises to define specific abs
  • Eating an adequate, balanced and fat-free diet

How to lose abdominal fat and burn calories

To define abs, your body fat percentage requires around 18% if you are a woman and 10% if you are a man.  In this case, we are talking about the best ab workouts for men.

If your fat percentage is higher than these figures, you need to lose abdominal fat as we have described in this article.  You can only do that:

  • Reducing calorie intake until caloric expenditure is more significant than intake
  • Maintain the calories consumed and increase caloric expenditure
  • Reduce calorie intake and increase caloric expenditure. 

To increase that caloric expenditure, we recommend aerobic exercises. You know, the one that needs a good source of oxygen. Also, it implies that after 40 minutes, the source of energy begins to be body fat itself.

Activities include running, cycling, spinning, and elliptical. Also, you should even go up, and downstairs is worth it as aerobic exercise. What you are looking for is making the most of every minute of training? I recommend that you take a look at this post in which we talk about the sports that burn the most calories. But what does all this have to do with defining abs?

Well, basically, the mix of aerobic activity with abdominal exercises is key to achieving defined abs. High-intensity practices, known as HIIT training, are a great option to burn a lot of calories in a short time. Losing weight and setting abs in a short time is possible. It only remains to know the form and the moment.

Can you define abs in a week?

You will probably see many articles and products. These try to sell you that phrase of “exercises to mark the abs in 15 days”. We are not going to deceive you. It is not easy to show abs in a week or 15 days, but it is a longer-term task.

The statement does not mean that a person who is used to the gym and who already has a particular base can achieve it. However, it is necessary to spend many hours to complete marked and perfect abs in such a short period.

Do you get perfect abs? I encourage you to read the following best ab workout for men. These are exercises to define abs and start the diet that we expose below.

Best Ab workouts for men

We put aside myths such as plasticizing the abdominal contour. Also, it is essential to avoid the use of electro-stimulators and vibrating platforms. To start, say that you don’t need to squeeze like a lemon while training.

The constancy, the technique in the execution, an adequate rhythm of breathing are essential.  During the concentric and eccentric phase of the movement, aware of the muscle we are exercising. Together with large doses of variety and intensity is vital in achieving the objective.

In case you did not know, the muscles of the abdomen support and facilitate movements of the spine. Therefore, due to its importance, I recommend to carry out three types of abdominal training exercises:

  • Trunk bending exercises
  • Rotation and lateral flexion exercises
  • Spinal stabilization exercises

Whatever abdominal exercise you do, keep in mind that it is static or dynamic. Both are equally effective. Of course, make sure that you run them with a moderate speed. It prevents damage to spinal structures. We are going to explain the best ab workout for men.

1.    Trunk bending exercises

With these exercises, you will develop the rectus abdominal muscle, which is the primary flexor of the abdominal area. Curl the trunk. Move the lower extremities with the corresponding buttock lift.

You can do it by bringing your legs back and lifting your glutes at the same time. All this with a contracted abdomen. Don’t forget to expire during exercise.

CRUNCH: Lying in the supine position, with the feet in the air and the knees bent at 90 degrees. We perform a trunk flexion, squeezing the abdomen, keeping the head in the extension of the trunk. It is vital to keep the lower back supported. It is one of the best ab workouts for men.

LEG EXTENSION:  Lying in the supine position, with the feet in the air and the knees bent at 90 degrees. Now, stretch legs horizontally alternately. It is essential to keep the lower back supported.

COMBINED CRUNCH: Lying in the supine position, with the feet supported, and the knees bent. Perform a trunk flexion in coordination with a lift of the feet, bringing the knees to the chest. It is vital to keep the lower back supported.

2.    Rotation and lateral flexion exercises

With this group of exercises, you will develop the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Curl the trunk with a twist. Side bending is essential. Isometric lateral support means that you can do it without movement (static) or with movement (dynamic).

SIDE PLANK: Supporting a forearm on the floor with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees. Keep the body in a lateral position. It is one of the best ab workouts for men. We keep the feet supported and the hip in line with the rest of the body to perform the exercises. The workout focuses on lateral trunk flexions by pressing the side closest to the floor.

SIDE CRUNCH:  Lying in the supine position, with the feet in the air and the knees bent at 90 degrees. We perform a trunk flexion pressing the abdomen keeping the head in the trunk extension. Also, we rotate the trunk to one side and implement an extension. You can do this with the opposite leg in a coordinated way. It is essential to keep the lower back supported.

LATERAL CLIMBER:  With the hands resting on the ground and the arms extended. We keep the body in a horizontal position. Also, we bring one knee towards the elbow on the same side. Make sure you are flexing the leg. We do it alternatively, changing legs.

3.    Spinal stabilization exercises

Roll onto your stomach supporting your elbows at right angles to the floor and footpads. Lift your body and keep your abdomen area contracted.

FRONT CLIMBER:   With hands on the ground and arms outstretched. We keep the body in a horizontal position. Also, we bring one knee to the chest, flexing the leg. We do it alternatively, changing legs.

PLANK:  Supporting the forearms on the floor with 90 degrees. Elbow flexion, keeping the body horizontal with the feet supported and the hip in line with the shoulders. We perform ankle extensions.

CrossFit sit-ups: If you want to define abs, this type of exercise, contrary to what many people think, is not the most appropriate. Basically, with them, you will gain body functionality. But, you will not work correctly on the muscle mass of your abdominals.

We call CrossFit crunches to all those that are performed lying on the floor, face-up, and that involve lifting the trunk and arms. Like other exercises that lead to abdominal work (such as squats), it is not wrong to include them in your training. So, you must compliment them with exercises to tone your abdominals. It is one of the best ab workouts for men.

Define the V-cut Abs

When it comes to the best ab workouts for men, you can’t ignore the v-cut abs. Among the main requests from men who flock to gyms is the idea of ​​defining the V-cut abs. The lower part of the abdomen that emerges V-shaped slightly above the pelvis.

Abdominal V is excellent for men. I consider it one of the most beautiful parts of the male body. Defining abdominal V also requires practice and dedication. Lower abdominal exercises are the most effective. Once again the percentage of fat has a lot to say. It is challenging to define the V of the abdomen if you exercise weekly.

Diet to define abs

Last but not least, we have to talk about the recommended varied diet to achieve those ten abs that you have been dreaming about for so long. As a general rule, this diet should contain:

  • 60-70% of calories from carbohydrates
  • 10-15% protein
  • 30% fat

Consider including low-glycemic foods in your diet. These include rice and whole wheat pasta, vegetables, potatoes, oats, cereals, or citrus. In this way, you will induce the body to burn fat, both from the diet and that which accumulates in the abdomen and hips. So, besides practicing the best ab workout for men, you need to focus on food as well.

As an athlete, you always have the option of resorting to stimulants and body fat reducers such as L-Carnitine. A molecule from which our bodies can burn fat. Also, your diet must focus on low fat and high in protein.

  • Drink plenty of water. Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Regarding protein, give priority to eggs and fish
  • Eat lean meats and make 5 or 6 meals a day
  • Avoid foods like industrial pastries.
  • Do not eat white bread, juices and packaged foods
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks


Do you want defined abs? Yes, you want them, but the question is how to achieve them. Well, in this article, I have given you the best ab workouts for men. Also, I have explained other vital things that will help you achieve the goal.

Moreover, it is not an overnight job. You have to focus on the best ab workouts for men. In general, people try to achieve abs quickly. I think this is not possible because it requires hard work. You must show some dedication and spend some time to achieve your goals.

Lastly, if you have any questions, you can ask from me in the comment section. I will happily answer your questions based on my expertise.
